Training for histopathologists occurs at established professional meetings, such as the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia New Zealand branch Annual Scientific Meeting (RCPA-NZ ASM) held annually in New Zealand. Speakers are invited to address topics of current interest with a view to developing the professional practice of gynaecological histopathology in New Zealand.
Periodically, the NCPTS invites an overseas expert in histopathology to deliver a specific training workshop for histopathologists, in gynaecological histopathology.
Difficult areas in gynaecological histopathology may also be addressed using glass slide sets on a particular topic, which are rotated to all laboratories.
References and recent reviews are provided to assist histopathologists to stay current with the published literature.
In 2018 , the NCPTS are hosting a half day multiheader based workshop taken by Associate Professor Matthew Quick, an American expert in gynaecological hisopathology and clinical education. The session will be held on Thursday 20th September in the afternoon immediately prior to the 3 day RCPA-NZ ASM, where Associate Professor Quick in the main invited speaker. Two 90 minute multiheader sessions will be provided.