Welcome to the NCPTS
The aims are to develop diagnostic skills, to assist staff to keep up to date with new developments in each field of practice and to foster a broad understanding of cervical pathology.

The NCPTS Training Team of pathologists, scientists and an administrator, plan and develop training programmes in cervical cytology, gynaecologic histopathology and HPV Testing. A National Training Committee provides oversight and advice.
Training is provided by Training Team members, invited national and international speakers, and a wide range of pathologists, clinicians, scientists and technicians.
Training occurs on-site in laboratories throughout New Zealand and through presentations at professional meetings. Programmes include multiheader-based workshops, the distribution of teaching slide sets and educational material, talks at professional meetings and literature updates.

There are specific programmes for groups such as BMLSc cytoscientist graduates in their first year of practice, and anatomical pathology registrars.

The NCPTS is funded by the NCSP and managed by Awanui Laboratories.